Liberty, Equality, & Justice for ALL
Tux-Lab Manufacturing Project
- Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power. -
Benjamin Franklin 1738
Stainless Bottle Opener

This stainless steel bottle opener was designed and manufactured with open source software. It was machined from domestic 304SS bar stock. Striving for the "Free as in Freedom", most of the machines and materials used are either produced domestically or in other free countries.

We are proud to have exclusively used open source software running on Debian GNU/Linux workstations in designing and manufacturing process. A conceptual 3 dimensional model were designed using FreeCAD, followed by a detail 2 dimensional tool path layout using LibreCAD. All the graphics, product shots, and documents were created using OpenOffice/LibreOffice, GIMP/UFRaw, and Inkscape.

The entire R&D for the Tux-Lab Stainless Steel Bottle Opener can be found at,

We thank the countless Open Source software contributors that made this project possible. Thank you.

Product Images
Bottleopener_main_rev6_new_logo Bottle_opener_freecad_for_tux-lab_product_page Bottleopener_rev4_librecad_for_tux-lab_product_page
Where To Buy
TheCuriousPenguin Arcadia, CA
The Fine Print

We believe in supporting democracy everywhere and we strive to use materials, tools, and equipment originating from places friendly to democratic ideals. Because we also believe that freedom thrives in transparent environments, we publish as much information as we can so our users can better understand how our products are made. In the age of globalization we may fall short of our ideals but we always welcome suggestions and comments. Thank you.

TheCuriousPenguin - 2012
Free as in