TCP Tool Logo Mouseover
Jul 28, 2012
It takes a few simple steps to achieve the mouseover transition from monochromatic to full color logo with tool tip popup.
First, all the information regarding the logo was stored in the a postgresql table, ie the model in the MVC architecture. Second, the uploading and location of the tool logos are managed using Rail's Paperclip gem. The Imagemagick library was used to post process and create a monochrome version of the full color uploaded tool logo.
Finally, the alpha channel (opacity) was also adjusted to give a better contrast between the monochromatic logo and the full color logo, especially for the black and white logos.
To post process the uploaded logo image.
:image, :styles => { :thumbnail => "50x50>", :thumbnail_bw => "50x50>" },
:convert_options => { :thumbnail_bw => "-colorspace gray -channel Alpha -evaluate Divide 5" },
:url => "/assets/tool/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
:path => ":rails_root/public/assets/tool/:id/:style/:basename.:extension"
To display the mouseover effect.
<% for tool in @tools %>
<% logo = image_tag(tool.image.url(:thumbnail_bw), :mouseover => tool.image.url(:thumbnail)) %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to logo, "http://#{}", {:title => "#{tool.summary}"} %>
Miller Tig Setup
Jun 26, 2012
It took a while, a long while, but the Miller Diversion 180 Tig welder is finally up and running. Switching back and forth between AC or DC welding for aluminum or stainless steel was as simple as a push of a button. A twist of a knob sets the maximum welding current and the foot pedal control gives finer adjustments.
The 3M Speedglas auto tinting welding helmet was great. With limited budget, I was concerned about the smaller lens of the 9100V versus the top of the line 9100XX model. However, so far I haven't notice any view restrictions. The 3M Speedglas is a much welcomed alternative to the older non-auto tinting Huntsman welding helmet.
Makita Portable Bandsaw
Jun 14, 2012
A portable band saw was used to cut 8 feet .5" x 1.25" 304SS bar stock into 23 ~4" segments for the bottle opener. It took a while to located a portable band saw that was made in a free country and luckily Japan still produces one. A 10tpi bi-metal blade from McMaster works great with the Makita portable bandsaw at its lowest speed setting.
Raw Material for 2nd Run
May 31, 2012
A second batch of stainless steel stock consisting of 316L and 304L were ordered. The 316L were manufactured in Taiwan, a democratic country, while 304L were manufactured domestically.
OnlineMetals Mill Test Report
304SS US Origin MTR
316SS Taiwan Origin MTR
To avoid the per piece cut fee of $1.00, a Makita portable bandsaw was also purchased for cutting the 8 feel raw stock to 4 inch blanks.
Stock – OnlineMetals | |
316ss flats, 0.125 x 0.5 x 96 @ 5pc | $48.85 |
304ss flats, 0.125 x 0.5 x 96 @ 5pc | $42.45 |
Tools – Hardware Sales Inc. | |
Makita 2107FK6 Portable Band Saw | $299.99 |
Tools – McMaster | |
BiMetal Blades for Portable Bandsaw 3x | 24.39 |
Initial Production Summary
May 22, 2012
The initial batch of the bottle opener has been completed and mailed out. After numerous revisions, only 12 pieces of blanks were left for the final revision. Therefore, out of 100 blanks only 12 acceptable bottle openers were produced.
There first couple revisions had too shallow of a mouth opening that caused the bottle opener to peel the edges ofthe bottle cap. Subsequent revisions were made to lengthen as well as deepen the mouth opening to give better mechanical leverage. Electrochemical etching was inconsistent and was replaced with direct laser marking.
Bottle Opener Rev 5
May 16, 2012
The mouth opening was increased from a radius to .1" to .11" to better accommodate taller caps.
Production Initial Batch
May 05, 2012
For production machining, the 3 setps were combined into a single program with a M00 pause to flip the part. Due to earlier tool breakages and poor surface finish, very conservative feed speed were used and the initial machining time was at 18 minute per piece. Gradually the machine time was reduced to 15 minutes per part. Vibratory tumbling will be used to radius the edges and if necessary, secondary polishing.
First batch of bottle opener ready for deburring
First three batches of bottle opener. Machined, deburred, burnished, and electrochemically marked.
TL-2 Pneumatic Chuck Solenoid
May 04, 2012
A two way solenoid valve was installed to control the opening and closing of the Royal 5C pneumatic collet closer with machine M code. Inside the Haas TL-2 control cabinet there are a few spare M-relays that can be used.
For the M-relay, the user has the option to choose between a normally open or normally closed circuit. A normally open circuit was chosen. The solenoid has a similar logic and a when de-energized, the solenoid default state will close the 5C chuck.
In the original configuration, the foot pedal actuates a two way valve that will open and close the chuck. That opening and closing fucntion has been taken over by the solenoid valve. However, a roller lever switch was added to the foot control pedal, wired in parallel to the M-code relay. This restores the opening and closing function to the foot pedal.
Haas VF-2SS PM Service
Apr 27, 2012
Way covers on X, Y, and Z axis removed.
Close up of the rails and ball screw
Prototyping - Deburr & Polish
Apr 24, 2012
Deburring with the ceramic media on the left will remove the burrs an slightly radius the edges. Burnishing with the porcelain media on right will brighten the surface dulled by the deburring process.
3/8-3/8 Ceramic Triangle & 3/16-3/8 Porcelain Cut Cylinders